Trusting in God’s Care and Renewal for 2024 Dear Calvary Church, Before I get pastoral, I wanted to let you know that the final VCM report came out and the Elders and Staff would like...
A Special Invitation and Year-End Update Dear Calvary Church, This Advent season we are considering the biblical themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Why these themes? Because an...
A Fruitful Advent Journey of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in Christ Dear Calvary Church, We have a short Advent Season this year. The fourth Advent Sunday is also Christmas Eve. For the next four Sundays, in...
Reminding Ourselves of the Reason for the Season Dear Calvary Church, Hopefully your Thanksgiving Day was filled with the joy of connecting with family and friends. And now, with...
Advent Season: Anticipating Jesus’ Arrival For as long as humanity has been worshipping God, the changing seasons have served as sacred markers inviting us to celebrate the Lord of...
What Comes Next: Praying and Processing Dear Calvary Church, A diagnostic assessment can be compared to going in for our yearly physical. Various metrics are recorded, our...
An Important Weekend for Calvary Dear Calvary Church, This Sunday is a very important day in the life of Calvary Palisades. First off, remember that we “Fall Back”...
Welcome to the Land of “We” Dear Calvary Church, Following Jesus means that we leave the land of “me” and enter the land of “we.” Because our modern English...
Why Do We Need Community? Dear Calvary Church, The Family Night of Worship was incredible. To see some of our school and church families there with their kids was...