Dear Calvary,

I am grateful for the 63 people who showed up for Summit 2 last Sunday. Here are the three table interaction questions that provided much fodder for the possibility of updating Calvary’s values, mission, and vision statements…

  1. What does God supremely value?
  2. What has God continually blessed at Calvary?
  3. What does our past tell us we need to value more?

Summit 3 will be held Sunday, May 19 from 3–6pm in the Fireside Room. We will be interacting over the question, “What would you like to see Calvary be like in the next 3 to 5 years?” Even if you have been able to be at the first two, please try and make it to Summit 3!


This week I’d like to pass on a chart the distinguishes between moralism/religion and the gospel. By moralism I mean the belief that we’re saved by faith but must work hard on our own—even if done with the Holy Spirit’s help—to achieve a righteous life. The most important thing to remember about moralism is that it’s not so much legalism as it is a personal or practical righteousness that we achieve apart from the work of Christ.

Check out the chart below to see the differences between moralism/religion and the gospel:

Many of us grew-up in moralistic churches (or households) where a “works righteousness” slowly crept into our lives or the life of the church. At Calvary, let’s keep the gospel front and center. It’s liberating and it’s delight-full.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gregg