Dear Calvary,

We were excited to experience Summit #1 in the Focusing the Church process last Sunday afternoon (March 10). Over 79 people attended!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to come and participate. Here’s what was accomplished:

  • We created a Journey Wall to visually share the thoughts and perspectives of those gathered, which is now displayed in the Sanctuary lobby.
  • The green post-its identify the positive things, the pink post-its identify the painful things, and the blue post-its identify significant people in the life of the church.
  • We reviewed Calvary’s Values, Mission, and Vision Statements. We will ask for your help in updating or re-affirming in Summit #2.
  • We also added some chapter titles. (Lessons still to come!)

We want you to know that the output of Summit #1 is essential input for Summit #2, where we will seek God’s guidance for His desired future for Calvary.

Here are some thoughts for you to consider:

  • What does God value and what does God think of our values? (They are listed on the wall above the Journey Wall.)
  • Of all the things we have seen about Calvary past and present…
    • What would God want us to rejoice over?
    • What should we repent over?
    • What is God trying to say to us?
  • What do you need to surrender for this Focusing process to be effective?
  • What do WE AS A CONGREGATION need to surrender?

Guest Speaker Kevin Springer

We have a special guest speaker this Sunday, Kevin Springer. Kevin grew up in the Village and had several interactions with our church as a youth and was driven to the Billy Graham Crusade on a bus that was sponsored by Calvary. He told me he’s been waiting 50 years to preach this message at Calvary! Kevin has also written a new book that he wants to give away to us on Sunday.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Gregg