Dear Calvary Church Family,

By now I hope you’ve seen the email about the upcoming Calvary Summit Series. Again, if this is your church and you would like to have a voice in helping to shape our future then we really would like and appreciate your input! You can register HERE.

Finding Your Fit Class

We had a great first class! We had 20 signed-up and I provided an overview of what we intend to cover – and then we made some introductions, and I assigned a bit of homework. If you weren’t able to make it last week but would still like to participate this would be the final week to do so. Click HERE to register. We go from 8:30-9:40am upstairs in the sanctuary building.

Elders and Staff Get-Together

This last Tuesday evening the Elders and Staff gathered for dinner and conversation at a home. While the main goal is (always) to hear and experience one another’s hearts for Jesus and Calvary, as well as praying together, we are seeking to improve all aspects of communication here at Calvary (like I’ve been doing here since October). I just thought you’d like to know.

Update on Jordan and Lacey Galbraith’s Infertility Journey

As many of you know, Jordan and Lacey have been on an emotional and expensive journey to start a family after Lacey’s ovarian cancer diagnosis and remission. Subsequently, they have been going through rounds of In vitro fertilization (IVF) and I want to pass along an update regarding their next steps. They are starting a new fertility treatment plan with a clinic in Sacramento, and they are, once again, excited and hopeful. If you would like to continue to journey with them, here are some specific ways to support them. Certainly, prayer is most helpful at this time. Additionally, this journey has been expensive and will continue be. They were able to raise $27,000 through a crowd funding page, which paid for the third round of IVF, and they continue to pay for the first two rounds out of pocket via medical loans. They also needed to pay up-front costs for this new fertility treatment with a medical loan. So, to follow their journey more closely as well as to make tax-deductible donations you can do so HERE. Thanks!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gregg