Dear Calvary Church,

This Advent season we are considering the biblical themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Why these themes? Because an awakened hope gives way to an abiding peace, which blossoms into a fragrant joy that causes sacrificial love to flourish. These are grace gifts that we cannot manufacture on our own. They flood into our souls through a daily surrender to God’s call and purpose for our lives. I know it’s a busy time with year-end targets, kids activities, grandkids, shopping, parties, and all the rest, but I’d like to invite you to keep connected during the next few Sundays because of our need for refreshment in the lifegiving gospel that unlocks our access to the grace gifts that we are looking at each week.

I would also like to highlight an opportunity for us as a congregation to catch-up on our giving or consider an end-of-the-year gift. Here is where we currently stand…

We are under budget by 19%. The good news is that statistically, more than 30% of all charitable giving happens in December. I know that 2023 has been an emotionally challenging year here at Calvary and yet God has been faithful in numerous ways. I have noticed stability returning over the last few months and I hope you have too. We have an exciting opportunity as 2024 dawns to re/affirm our values, mission, and vision as a congregation in preparation for calling a permanent Lead Pastor. It will take all of us praying, loving, and serving together as we seek God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done in and through Calvary Church. It’s been a joy for me to talk with young couples and families who sense a call from God to come alongside Calvary and our long-term faithful members to specifically invest in our future. You can consider your giving options here. For a DAF contribution or gifts of stock, please contact our Financial Controller Nic Le Corvec. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gregg